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February 10th HBD (Late)

My version of Sci shares the same birthday with my persona (Yasu-Kun)


Author's Note: If anyone sees this post, congratulations for finding out my raw writing! Anyway, I have lack of free time than I used to with slow progresses and improvement in my writing skills so... I'm open for feedbacks and criticisms for the first part of UnderDespair's prologue (remake version) and Day 2 (of Chapter 1)!

However, keep in mind that I use Australian English (with the exceptation of quotation marks), and anonymous comments are fine if you don't wish to be mentioned in the special thanks. There will be some words highlighted from my last updated history where I struggled the most in. Feedbacks and criticisms will be closed once this post is removed without notice.

Other than that, please enjoy the preview and improved changes between the previous (published) prologue and this current (remake) version! Thanks for reading!


Bleak darkness.

That’s all I could hear. That’s all I could see.

My bones refuse to shake, barely twitching at the fingertips. A tingly sensation rush down my fingers, resuscitating tiny sparks from my left arm. I circulate my hand to a gentle motion until I get accustomed to its signals. Little by little, its message transmits throughout my body, materialising my thoughts and senses as my eyes sluggishly peel off a thin layer of darkness.

Is this… a dream? I want to sleep again…

Sleep? Again…?

The last thing I recall was myself collapsing in front of my campus. What happened after is a confusing mess with no memory, tensioning my skull with haywiring neurons.


“What the—?”

My arm whacked something that gave a loud impact of metal. The echo continues as I patter every surface around my narrow space. As I find my bearings to barely stand, a heavy weight lifts off my body. My shoulder bag isn’t strapped to my chest. Insecurities dread into fear as I quickly search over my clothes, but all I can find are my glasses, wristwatch, and two pens still intact in my coat pocket. Many would heavily depend on their phones at this age, but I resist the rising tide of anxiety to attempt an investigation.

First and foremost, I check the faded light seeping through the narrow gaps. Peeking outside and inspecting the design of the louvres, I immediately recognise I’m inside a locker. Fortunately, after fiddling with the interior mechanism, the door creaks open as I carefully slip out from the stuffy compartment.

“W… What is this…?” I scan my vision across the classroom. “Is this… my English class?”

It might have been, but the room isn’t what I last envisioned it. Flickering lights, mouldy green walls, worn desks and floorboards creaking every particular step I take… The shock of the space sends my consciousness on high alert. Nausea fogs my mind, grasping for ventilation in a blind panic. The mucky air clogs my soul to forcefully cough and brush every dust off my body.

Somehow, all the windows are covered by thick metallic plates with semi-gloss reflections. Approaching closer, I pause at a familiar face mirroring my actions. It’s not often I look at myself to see a skeleton staring back at me — deranged, lost and confused. Even my face reveals my lack of confidence for having a similar appearance as Sans. My clothes and mannerisms are nothing like my sloppy counterpart. I refuse to become like Sans, but it’s unavoidable to draw comparisons with the original when he’s disproportionately popular across the Undertale multiverse. It has led to a phenomenon that humans are psychologically conditioned to see skeletons with deformed round skulls as the ‘Sans’ species, hence why I’m commonly known as Science Sans, recognisable for my intellect and interest in any area of Science.

Disregarding my appearance, I pry the cover open, but it’s sturdy and shut real tight. The more I struggle, the more obnoxious the pressure shortens my breath with its poison. I quit before the muskiness gets deep into my system. If it wasn’t for the magnetic plates, I could understand the strange situation I find myself in. However, without a doubt, this room has been abandoned for a tremendously long time.

I pull my sleeve to reveal the time pointing at 8:32, the same arms on the school’s clock. It took a moment to notice a monitor hanging above the teacher’s desk along with surveillance cameras covering every corner. It wasn’t there last time.

Before I could interact, the monitor triggered a bright screen of a shadowy figure with unwanted statics interrupting the announcement.

“Attention! All Universe-City stud—ts must attend the Auditorium be—ore 9 o’clock for the ori——tation. Those who a—— late will receive a deadly punishment—!”

A burst of eerie laughter echoes from the speakers. Shortly, the video cuts abruptly, leaving me in dazed confusion. I couldn’t comprehend what just happened. The horrific news involuntarily sinks my body to a bone-chilling temperature. Shivering and lightheaded in an abnormal circumstance of my daily life…

My head begins to scream under despair.


“Sorry to interrupt. Today, we have a new student joining this semester. Please welcome our very first Underfell Sans!”

The scary-looking skeleton didn’t say much, but his determined eye targeted me. I avoid glancing at him before I realise my classmates have vanished from their seats. Only the freshman and I exist within this confinement. I look around in a panic, but the other quietly approaches my desk. Eventually, our eyes lock together as the morning drastically fades to an orange sky, destined to keep my worries away.

A blink is all it takes to warp a different scene. With my early vision playing tricks, I turn to find the same skeleton sitting on an infirmary bed with sheets covering his lower half. However, he doesn’t appear to be sick. He’s just resting there… bathing in the sunlight’s warmth from an opened window. His eyes soften at the majestic sunset, enchanted by nature’s beauty and gentle wind swaying the silky curtains in a small dance.

Suddenly, my footstep triggers his guard with *that* eye again. I stuttered — couldn’t form a proper sentence to explain! His face despises my visit for disrupting his peace.

“S-S-Sorry Fell!”

“Fell? Who da FUCK DO YA THINK—?!”

And just like that — a click of a finger, my consciousness snaps back to reality. I gasped and shot my eyes wide open to find myself lying awake in pitch darkness. Wishing to dive back into my dreams, I shut my eyes tightly and reimagine a better ending, but I can never return to the same light I saw. The Fell I saw is my fearful envision of Underfell Sans, different from the one I met yesterday

Then, a gush of anxiety submerges my head, forcing myself to stay afloat once I recall the events from last night. Feeling around for the bedside lamp, my memory floods back once I recognise the strange, familiar device.

It… wasn’t a dream.

I head to the bathroom to wash my face, but I can’t drench the reminder of my dead father. No matter how many times I splash water on myself, this *is* the cold, harsh reality I wake up to.

After brushing my teeth and doing my business, I put my glasses on and dress ready as usual. Once I slip my shoes on, I turn off the lights before leaving with my e-Handbook. There’s still an hour before the meeting, so I decided to visit the cafeteria early.

As I double-checked my lock, I wasn’t expecting a loud, constant buzzing nearby. I walk over to find Cross abusing the doorbell to someone’s room.


“W… What are you doing?!”

I was about to complain, but the royal guard stopped to report his actions.

“Good morning. I believe your name is Sci — the Ultimate Scientist? My apologies. I was ordered by Blue to constantly ring Swap’s doorbell. He informed me that his brother tends to oversleep, and he has other important matters to finish.”

“I-I see… Do you know what’s Blue up to?”

“Unfortunately, he didn’t discuss the details. You can ask him at the cafeteria with the butcher. G’s in the lounge, and Geno’s at the infirmary if you’re looking for them too.”

I didn’t need to know about the rest, but I appreciate him for sharing the details. After learning (about) their locations, I changed my mind by taking a detour.

As Cross works on his doorbell duty, I move to the Smoking Lounge.

When I open the door, I encounter another loud disruption. But this time, I couldn’t pick up on the sounds and spotted the tall skeleton sitting on the floor in pain.

“A… Are you alright?!”

“Y-Yeah. We’re…” He pauses so he can get up first. “We shouldn’t be here anyway.”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t catch what he said.

G coughs and swings one hand to clear the air with the other rubbing his sore sit bones. “This place is not up to code. There’s barely any ventilation to evacuate the smell. (For the only smoking area)

So… the sound I heard was G struggling to open the grille above his reach. Furthermore, he’s right about the scent of muffled cigarettes suffocating the lounge, despite the clean coffee table and ashtrays.

“Anyway, we should head out. Might as well take a quick nap or two before the meeting…”

“Why—?” Right after I asked, I completely forgot about the morning broadcast. “Wait, when did the announcement play?!”

“Uhh…” He wasn’t sure which question to answer first. “It was at six. We won’t blame you for missing out. It wasn’t interesting besides the twins unlocking all the dorms.”

“Oh, I-I see…”

Somehow, I feel out of touch for not realising it sooner. I don’t have anything to add to the conversation besides acknowledging his discoveries.

“See you later, kid.”

Because of my preoccupied thoughts, I didn’t realise he’s already gone. Not only that, I forgot to console his memories.

“K… Kid?” I somehow recall his last words.

Shortly, I exit the lounge too. I didn’t want to stay there any longer. I can still smell the faint stench of tobacco behind the door. Assuming G returned to his dorm, I decided to check on Geno next, away from the annoying chimes…

“Oh— Morning, Sci!”

“Good morning, Geno,” I close the infirmary door behind me. “How was Ink last night?”

“He’s fine. Outer told us about the meeting before you—”

Suddenly, Geno steps over my boundaries before he leans away from my presence.

“Did you… have a cigarette break?!” He covers his mouth with a dyspeptic frown.

“N… No! I didn’t smoke! I just visited the lounge to see G…!”

“Show me your breath.”

Geno isn’t convinced. I didn’t expect the pharmacist would go this far and did what I’m told as he sent my breath to his senses.

“Hmm… Sorry for doubting you,” Geno returns to his posture. “Anyway, could you come here for a sec?”

I (opposite of reluctantly) follow Geno to the glass cabinets.

“So… What do you think? I finished organising all the prescriptions this morning.”

“T… That’s good!” My mouth (surprised) he’s able to rearrange the shelves in a short time. I notice the right cabinet is slightly cramped. “Have you checked Cross, Error and Fresh’s soul?”

“About that… I asked Cross, but he seems to be… busy. He said he might come over once he’s done.”

“I see… What about Fresh and Error?”

Geno attempts to recall them, “No, I haven’t seen them yet. I’ll let you know once I do, okay?”

“S… Sure…!”

After that, there’s an awkward silence before Geno opens his mouth.

“By the way, I'm sorry about yesterday…”

“Oh, that’s okay?” I forgot about it since I’ve put it behind us. “Sorry for stepping over your boundaries…”

Geno insists and apologises again for how badly he reacted. He was on edge last night, but I can forgive him for not tormenting me on purpose. We fall back in silence until I watch him drinking from a stainless steel bottle.

“Umm… Is that alcohol?!” I questioned him about the flask I had never seen.

“It was,” he wipes his mouth before closing the lid, “But don’t worry, it’s not isopropyl. I think it was whiskey before I replaced it with water.”

“…Where did you find it?”

“Stashed in the lower desk drawer.”

While he wonders who’s irresponsible for hiding it, I immediately suspect my father.

“You don’t mind if I keep it?” Geno asks.

“Oh— Not at all!” My eye socket twitches as I smile to cover up my irritability. I nearly spaced out from mentally choking my father’s irresponsibilities. Strangely, that thought makes me think differently about his death. I couldn’t explain why, but somehow, it feels natural or easier to hate him instead…? Either way, a lot of things happened in one night, making it difficult to sort out my emotions now… I attempt to carry on as normal.

“Good. I’m also taking these as well — if you don’t mind,” Geno pulls out a small organised container of tablets, bandaids and other medical supplies that he could fit inside. I don’t have an objection and let him keep it. He shoves the flask and pill case back into his pockets. “Anyway, I guess you know about the meeting time?”

“Yeah, in about… 30 minutes,” I checked the time and began to feel hungry. “Would you like to come with me to the cafeteria?”

“I would love to, but I’m staying just in case Cross and the other two show up before the meeting,” he refers to the remaining three with unique souls. “Let’s meet here again after breakfast, okay?”

“Oh, alright…”

With nothing else to report, I walk out and leave the door open for Geno.

Before I continue, I take a quick peek upstairs. The destructive floor remains unchanged and reeks like garbage the closer I approach above. I try to observe, but I can’t stand the awful stench, so I turn back before my low tolerance dares to regurgitate from the poor atmosphere mixed with hunger pains.

At the cafeteria, there isn’t anyone but the sound of heavy overload and stove fans turbulent from the kitchen. I glance over the opened counter and spot Blue with the big-boned butcher.

“OH! HEY, SCI! BREAKFAST ISN’T READY! BRING ME MY BROTHER, AND I SHALL REWARD YOU HANDSOMELY WITH MY FINE COOKING!” Blue speaks to me as if we’re in a roleplaying game, refusing to let me in for some reason.

“…Wouldn’t it be quicker if I help instead?”

I try to be reasonable, but I appear foolish in Blue’s eyes when I attempt to push through the unburdened kitchen door.


It wasn’t funny on my end. I call the butcher to let me in, but he’s too focused to respond, concentrating on slicing meat at a powerful speed.


I wish he had told me that from the start. I figured Horror would be here early as the Ultimate Butcher but as a cook? That’s news to me.

Blue send me on a new quest to guard the kitchen door and pass his message to the rest. He ignores my refusal and returns to Horror’s side. His attitude rubs me the wrong way as I begin imagining a small act of revenge to outsmart him later.

All of a sudden, Fresh shows up and greets me *too* openly. I scold him for hugging me without my consent, but the funky skeleton doesn’t recognise his inappropriate behaviour. I guess it’s foreign to him coming from Underfresh, a universe where everyone you meet immediately clicks to you as their ‘homies’.

“Anyway, have you seen Geno?” I push Fresh away from nuzzling his cheekbones against mine.

Nah! Why?

“Umm, Geno’s in the infirmary, and…”

Strange, I thought he’s keeping watch from there…

“...err, I think he needs you?”

Oh really?! He seems genuinely confused with his LED sunglasses activating from ‘YOLO’ to ‘WHAT’. Sure thing, broski!

Fresh skates back through the hallway towards the infirmary.

I look around to wait for the rest to show up. It’s tempting to order food from the vending machines, but I don’t have the money to use them. Most machines stock carbohydrate drinks and snacks, but they’re more common worldwide with many businesses flourishing in selling other necessities from farmer’s eggs to luxury cars. Due to the availability, they become convenient around the clock until they’re out of stock for refills. All the machines at the cafeteria have a range of meal sets, whereas other vendors sell umbrellas and other essentials suitable at their locations. Beside the row of vending machines, there’s a familiar paper screwed behind a framed glass.

This time, the heading says ‘Cafeteria Rules’ with a list of five rules:

1. Keep the area clean to reduce hygiene and bacterial contamination.

It’s the same rule found in the infirmary, but the rest of the regulations are new.

2. Place the litter in the correct bin.

I look around and spot two bins. Recycling is colour-coded in white with the general trash inverted. Yin and Yang. It’s becoming unavoidable to symbolise the duality of the Dreamtale twins.

3. Rubbish bins will be emptied daily at midnight.

4. Recycling bins will be emptied every two days at midnight.


5. Students must clean up after themselves.

Right on the dot, Outer and Ink show up in relief to find themselves in time. The two friendly skeletons approach to get acquainted with me. As we exchange greetings, I notice the artist looks better than yesterday, carrying an emergency pack of vomit bags tucked inside his apron. Somehow, Outer keeps thanking me for taking care of Ink before he wonders what I’m doing. He feels subconscious once I show them the cafeteria rules. On the other hand, the artist has a keen eye for details. He notices a tiny imprinted text at the bottom of the page: If a murder occurred, any rule violations will be punished accordingly after the end of the class trial.

Before I could ask, a couple of knocks interrupted our attention to the comedian by the kitchen door. We can hear Blue’s aggravation as the pair chuckles at the knock-knock jokes. I ignore Classic, pretending we’re strangers after our exchange last night. At one point, Blue called my name, but I didn’t respond to his madness. I stopped Classic after Blue experienced a piece of revenge for not respecting my boundaries.

Later, Swap walks by with his feet dragging, slouched back and droopy shoulders. I remind him about Blue, but he groans in annoyance. The drowsy Papyrus knocks on the door to hear his brother shouting before he recognises his brother.

Once he’s gone, both Dance and Fell create an obnoxious loud entrance, making their existence known. I catch up and exchange greetings with them. Fell softens his smile, friendlier than I imagined, comforting me to neglect my recent nightmare. However, his demeanour switches around those outside his pack.

“Yo, what’s for breakfast— N-nerd…?” His partner struggles to call me by my new nickname.

“Heh, bet it’s bacon and eggs!” The cocky Underfell guesses by the smell of smoke.

Dance sniffs around, but he can’t detect the scent. Instead, he relies on his auditory perception to describe some kind of sizzling of crackling oil. I couldn’t hear it from our distance, piled by other noises and chatter in the food court. After agreeing with Fell, the furious leader yells at Dance for standing on the food counter, attempting to vault over.

“Ahh~ Good moaning~” Lust shows up, pretending to cover his yawn elegantly.

“you’re disgusting.” The original disapproves. He’s not fooling around this time.

“Aww~ I’m so sorry, Comic Sans. It’s fun teasing you, but I guess you’re not my type… You’re way too *bold* for me~”

Everyone understands the joke, but he doesn’t make the same impression as the Ultimate Comedian. Classic couldn’t be bothered to respond wittily to maintain the peaceful harmony.

Soon, the remaining students arrive. Only Error and Death hold up the attendance. Death doesn’t seem to care what everyone thinks about him, but the fidgety programmer looks more agitated than usual. We assign ourselves around the same table until the Underswap brothers show themselves with a bang.


While Blue carries two servings in his hands, his brother unintentionally shows off his incredible balance of seven plates with one on top of his skull. The astronomer worries about his safety, but the rest applaud Swap's effortless talent during the performance.

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!” Blue steals the thunder as he serves the dishes.

Unlike the brothers, Horror drags a portable cart of the remaining dishes, utensils and napkins they couldn’t carry. We all give our thanks and order the drinks he prepared. I politely refuse, but he serves me water instead.

“Good heavens, it’s so sweet…!”

Outer is surprised by the juice’s flavour before Horror poorly explains that he picked the freshest oranges he can find in the pantry.


The moment Blue said that pulled me off to believe his words from an advertisement scam.

Today’s breakfast is a multicultural dish of bacon and eggs with toast, sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and hash browns on the side. The fried eggs are shaped like a skull with eye socket yolks and two bacon strips as crossbones placed below. Just as I expected from the Ultimate Butcher, the pork belly was sliced thinly for crispiness, and not too oily or crunchy to chew. It’s the right amount of tender to taste the succulent flavour melting in your mouth as you explore the crispy texture!

Out of nowhere, Error declares food poisoning. Fortunately, no one shows symptoms of his claims and assumes he’s just paranoid. Even Fell, the distrustful type, ate without a doubt — although he passed the mushrooms to Dance.

As for Geno, he wants a healthier dish because of his weak immune system. Horror makes a mental note before dragging the cart back to the kitchen with the uneaten plate. In a few minutes, he comes out with boiled eggs and avocado toast suitable for Geno’s diet.

Eventually, we all engage in a lively chat. During the meal, we can hear Blue the loudest, promoting Horror to be in charge of the kitchen for his quick thinking and care. Later, Ink draws our attention to Outer with a barely-eaten plate. He finds his friend cute for nibbling his food like a hamster, making him flustered. On the other side, Death, Cross and G are more interested in serious discussions about our current circumstances.

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen the twins today. It’s obvious how abnormal everything plays out after being told to kill each other. For now, we let ourselves enjoy breakfast as if yesterday didn’t happen.


  1. suddenly im into readin now. TY :D


    1. Thank you and I hope so! I still have self-doubt in my writing skills and keep remaking it after I learn something new in writing... Still working on it in my free time tho! ><


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