One works out, the other rests and takes turns.
I've drawn this page last night, but I've passed out asleep to post the drawing after exercising at the gym and massage. This time, I draw my all-time favourite scifell based on my day.
- Edge challenges himself to do pushups with Sci sitting on top of him.
- Sci giving Edge a massage.
Ever since I drew Sci giving Edge a head massage, I thought of the idea of each other working together. Edge often trains himself to become stronger while Sci assists his needs like a coach after learning there's science and benefits behind everything in each exercise.
Although it doesn't seem like Sci is doing much physical activity with Edge, he does give him a massage in exchange with expertises of knowing certain pressures to help Edge relaxes and relief aches.
External Links: BlueSky, Poipiku, Tumblr, X
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